Where Does Your Data Go When You Delete It.
And How To Recover It.

Let me first explain what deleting a file really is. If you delete the file Representational.txt (for example), which contains all your secrets, it will be placed in the Recycle Bin and renamed to something like DC91.txt, even though you still see it named there as Representational.txt Now when you empty the Recycle Bin the file is deleted, but not really. MyFile.txt is still there, you just cannot see it.Or we can just assume that you selected a file and pressed Shift+Del, the same will happen.
I Can See That, But What Happens Inside The System ?
Okay, Let me explain this with an analogy. Imagine a library in 1980's. You had all the shelves with the books on them and you had drawers with cards that could tell you where the book you were looking for was located.
On a hard drive, you have a table (the drawers) that's separate from the files (the books).
Your operating system references this table when it needs to find data. It then goes to the location of the book with it's read head or whatever the device uses and reads the data there.
When a user decides to delete a file the computer just erases the contents of the table for that location, this basically puts a blank card for that file in the table. because it would take more time and power for the computer to go to each location and actually erase the file, it just leaves it there.
Then, because the book is still physically in the library, even though it's not on their records, it's possible for special software to read all of the books and find out what's recently been deleted.
NTFS VS FAT. What Is The Difference ?
As you Know, NTFS and FAT are the two most popular file systems used in the world. NTFS is the default file system of Windows since Windows XP. FAT file system is used on removable devices like Pen Drives, Memory Cards, System Cards, SD Cards etc. Practically no digital cameras, MP3 players, smartphones and tablets except those manufactured or licensed by Microsoft (or china) will recognize NTFS-formatted volumes.So, for anything that goes into a digital camera, portable audio player, smartphone, tablet or other portable device you will want to use FAT, most probably in its FAT32 incarnation due to the large capacity of today’s portable storage media..
DATA Recovery Chances In These File Systems.
FAT is notorious for its low durability and reliability, especially on larger volumes and especially under high load with many concurrent writes.Data Recovery Chances Are Very Low In FAT file systems. In NTFS, file recovery chances are pretty high. NTFS is a transaction-based file system that will log its every step, allowing the system to roll back any interrupted or unsuccessful write operation without causing havoc in the rest of the file system. In addition to that, NTFS maintains a spare copy of the file system somewhere in the middle of the disk, allowing data recovery tools referring to two copies of the most important system records instead of a single one.
In The End :
The data doesn't go anywhere. The address of it is simply marked as free space, and is then overwritten when new data needs a place to go. As soon as it's overwritten then it is gone permanently.The Chances of recovering your deleted files are high until you have overwritten the deleted file.
Some Good Tools To Recover The Data :
Recuva : The Best Free File Recovering Tool :
GetDataBack : The Best Professional Data Recovery Tool :
Some Good Tools To Delete Sensitive Data :
File Shredder : Data Recovery Made Impossible :
DBAN : DBAN is appropriate for bulk or emergency data destruction :